Monday, February 23, 2009

AoA Raid Set Previws: Caliban <> Pestilence and Famine

Huh? Don't know what this is about? Well, if you haven't read this.

So, we've got an exciting new raid set for multiplayer. This time, you're saving the planet one continent at a time [I guess Apoc doesn't have a thing on Galactus huh?]

Well, much like Galactus' Heralds, Apoc has his Horsemen. Let's take a look at one of them:

For the record, these cards were made with regular gameplay [outside of the raid deck] in mind.
I think this guy is pretty neat; I mean it's clear that he was made to function flavorfully along the lines of Caliban, Pestilence from MEV. When you're playing against 4 players, you can get this guy out on turn 3 since you start out with two extra resources. Then since the first turn is just a turn where "the line is drawn," it's kinda like you get him out on turn 2, just like his counterpart. That's pretty good. And then there's his vengeance power; WOW! Causing 3-4 cards to be lost per stun is ridiculous. Imagine if outside cards were allowed; Join us or Die! would break this card in half.

Infact, why not run this guy in a golden age Villans United deck? If you use a global team-up and a team up with VU, you can JUoD with Caliban very easily. plus, JUoD isn't phase-stamped so you could pull this off during the build phase before your opponent sets a resource. For BYOTT, team up with Infinity Watch, use Sub-Mariner/Atlantis, birthing chamber, Moondragon and reuse JUoD ...

That actually sounds quite strong. There surly isn't a way to abuse him in the raid deck games, ... is there!??

Let's move on to Famine:

... woah! While limited in use, it would certainly neuter any Exiles tech that we've seen implimented lately like Messiah Complex + SttG + The Beyonder. This card is gonna be a killer tech card in constructed play. In the raid deck, I'm not so sure how effective it will be since every continent has its own life force of endurance for your team to use [and thus your endurance will be reset pretty much every turn].

That's it for now! Be sure to check out The Blues Effect tomorrow for more previews!


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