Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm going on Strike.

I've been a member of the vs system community for about 5 years now. This blog, created in July with activity starting in September, has been a tribute to what I feel I have owed the community. I've discussed decks I've played at events, recap, the Battle of the Border and some jank on the side (like the Bring Your Own Name format), and how to cope with the competitive decks in various formats.

That said, UDE Corporate does nothing publicly to acknowledge the efforts of the community. When we do UDE's job, creating OP, advertising, generating interest in the game, what does UDE do?

What is UDE doing right now?
What has happened to Ben Seck and Billy Zonos?
Why were the Marvel: Evolution tcg expansion articles on Facebook?
Why are all of the VS system official websites out of date?

UDE, you've proven to the gaming community that, with effort and care, you can acomplish anything. You've proven this through the latest lawsuits with Konami about Yugioh. I understand that you are a business, and you need profits, except we're profitable too! We've proven it for over a year! Why are you doing this to us?

UDE Corporate, I and the readers of VS Unleashed! will be waiting for an answer to any of the above.

- Alex "OSM" Lloyd


Unknown said...

Word, brother.

Calvin Cleary said...

Yeah. I know how you feel.

I'm kinda curious, especially about Zonos - he isn't even posting to Read/Rant anymore, nor commenting.

That said - here's to hoping we get some answers soon.

Foilball said...

my lack of writing on read/rant, vsrealms and my own LJ have nothing to do with "Vs" in general.

...i've said it before, but WoW happened, man! the new xpac took over my life for about 6 weeks and now, finally, i think i'm getting control of my life back. :)

so, i'll be back to posting on read/rant very soon. probably this wednesday!

Orange_Soda_Man said...

let it be known also that if UDE makes an announcement that the game is done then I will accept that as per the terms of this entry and I will resume regular activity.

That and ... busy/lazy/school/ssbb/defeating exiles etc.

Calvin Cleary said...

Oh, I wasn't trying to imply that you'd given up on Read/Rant because of VS - I myself go through extended periods where I lapse in contributions. I was merely commenting on the fact that, at the same time we stopped hearing about VS, you sort of disappeared off the radar, as did TBS, to a degree.