Thursday, March 12, 2009

Unleash This! #12: Take a trip on the Time Platform

With the events from January of UDE letting us go long behind us now, we've clearly had some time to think, to do other things, and whatever else it is you guys do. There's only so much time, right? Well I think we've passed the worst part of the roller coaster that is VS, what with our temporary council in place, plans for Worlds underway, and Battle of the Border: Texas Edition taking place this weekend, we have plenty of good home-brewed awesomeness to look forward to.

So, what can I possibly be jabbering about? We've had 5 years of history together thus far, and soo much has happened. Life-changing events; stories of victory, stories of self-actualization, of forming new and lasting relationships. Of Tournaments. Of Strategy discussion. Of General chatter. Of Contests. That's right guys; I'm finally throwing out a contest like I promised back in September.

Here's what I want (choose one); I want your stories. I want to know, in narrative, of what you have experienced. It can be:

1) how you met your playgroup and what you have done since then
2) write about the people you've talked to online, experiences with that and how it has affected you VS experience
3) If you lurked, why? Would your experiences have changed if you posted more often?
4) Was there a tournament, whether it be a Pro Circuit, a PCQ, other marquee event or hobby league, that you tested for extensively? Who did you test with? Why did you choose what you ran? How did you do? In hindsight, would you have done anything differently?

I'm expecting these to be detailed; take as many pages/paragraphs as you need to get your thoughts across. If you're willing, I'll be posting all entries in this blog as articles.

So, what are the prizes?
I've got playmats, MEV rares, foils, alternate art cards, I can give you point cards if you didn't redeem a jinx gift card yet [or if you play wow], I've got some subset stuff don't worry about it I've got enough to reward and acknowlege everyone who participates.

Deadline is May 1st. Feel free to ask any questions.

Good luck and happy writing!

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