Saturday, November 15, 2008

Regarding The Ring Has Chosen Episode 66

While I appreciate the nod from Cliff and Squire, I have to clear up a couple things that seem to have been skewed out of proportions.

First, money.

* Ralph, the owner of Jetpack Comics, put down the deposit on the room. Not me. Ralph was paid back and compensated for the deposit from a portion of the $ me and John received from the participants' $15.00 entry fee. In addition, he contributed 25% discounts to the store as participation, gave $25.00 in store credit to the person who won the event, and donated two prize kits to the pool as well.

* I didn't get financially shafted; I was compensated for the boxes of product used for the Super-Crossover. A valid and proportionate share was given to Spud for letting us use his box of MUN in the sealed event as well. It's true, I spent plenty of hours calling various places, ordering things, confirming details and costs and such sure. But really, I did that because it needed to get done, not so much for any other reason. You guys dedicated the weekend to us, it's only fair that I bust my ass to make sure you guys wouldn't be disappointed.
My donation to the prize pool included:
* 11 other playmats (I kept one for myself for selfish reasons)
* The foreign MOR rares (that I bought this past summer from Walter Sobac)
* an odd assessment of MUL (nothing too extravagant)
* The trivia packs my team won at Gencon (DSM and MMK)

so really, compared to Lost Hemisphere and Matt "VS_Savant2" Robertson and Cliff, this was quite reasonable. Please don't think I was financially shafted.

Next, on UDE, no, they did not assist with this event at all. This was 100% fan-run.

When I got home from work on Wednesday night (the night Cliff and Squire recorded TRHC ep 66), I had a facebook chat with Cliff, and some of what Cliff mentioned in the podcast came up in our conversation. I made sure to address his concerns as I have addressed my reactions to them here in our facebook conversation, so I would like to ask for you all to not hold anyone responsible for this relatively reasonable miscommunication. Because that's what it was. Cliff mentioned rumors flying, and I'm sorry but I was too busy having fun and trying to be a good host to talk about how the event came to be, and if I had addressed them there then this all could have been avoided. My previous entry on how the Battle of the Border came to be hopefully addresses the related details more accurately.

Thanks again everyone, for reading this, for your support, and your respect. Thank you Cliff and Squire for naming me the Hero of the Month TRHC equivalent for the month of November, I'm honored. I appreciate your efforts, everyone, for making VS System everything it can be. Thank you for the respect you show me on the realms, and I can't wait to post there with you guys soon.

- Alex "OSM" Lloyd


Captain Spud said...

Bwuh? Was the episode posted somewhere?

Orange_Soda_Man said...

It was posted on itunes Friday night.

Obsidian3D said...

The fact that you were able to put such a great-sounding event together speaks volumes about your dedication to the game and the player base. I have never had a chance to play in something like that, but just the fact that we have players who care so much makes me proud to be a part of the community. Thanks from all the people who COULDN'T go, but were excited to read about it nonetheless.