Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Apology, Summary and Upcoming Coolness

Hey guys, it's been awhile. I've still seen you guys over at .ORG, vsrealms and [rarely] tcgplayer, but not so much here.

I've broken my promise, to you, that I would update this blog at least 4 times a month; I am sorry. I'm not going to make any excuses, because I don't really have any. Maybe what Ken [Kariggi] said about blogs is true; [something along the lines of] if you're going to say anything that has any weight in the community, you might as well say it in the forums, and I have. That isn't the reason for it, however. Maybe with last fall's failure of the website also effecting the syndicate subforum over at vsrealms, my motivation may have been declining. I certainly feel drained, as many of you may be.

Before I go on to talk about the direction I want to take this blog, I'm going to summarize my vs activity and thoughts for the past month; think of this as spark notes for the blog for this month.

1. The re-design of the Heroes set I've been working on
2. Interesting threads at .ORG and vsrealms
3. my birthday card game festivities
4. UDE's latest announcement

1) I know I keep going on and on about Heroes, but to be honest, that's not going to change. Especially with the fall of VS. I want to release a set that is good, well-received, thematic, fun, beautiful. That takes time. I'm currently looking for artwork as others are reviewing the set, including guglio, shadowtrooper, lupercal, Seph1roth5 and if you're interested, check here.

2) I'd like to give a shoutout to scottkthompson and HeroComplex for their [respective] threads on the 100 ideas and the great debate between bans and errata. Those are the ones that stick out to me; there are plenty of others as well. You guys have kept the boards interesting.

3) It started out with no plans, it was raining, and I worked a late shift the night before at a pharmacy. With stress about getting everything situated about studying in Canada [University of Manitoba] in the fall, I wasn't left with much time to think about the day. Woke up around 1, chilled for a little bit. Did you know that Sonic the Hegehog's official birthday is the 23rd? I didn't know we shared that date all these years. So, I play a little brawl with my sis. Call fellow VS player, neighbor, friend Ryan to play. He stops by, mentions going to the LGS to buy a box of magic, I tag along and we pick up a couple others and play sealed while cracking the packs. On VS playmats. We played into the late hours of the night in his poolside screenhouse.

4) WOW, huh? No matter what your position on the turn of events is, this is definitely a hot topic. I'm gonna save most of my thoughts for later this week, but I can tell you this: I desire an environment where I can participate in an active community. I'd like to play for something again. I'd like for it to be with my friends, those online and those offline. If that means I play Magic, so be it. Pokemon, I highly doubt it [gameplay is ... interesting]. Epic HELL NO [trying to sell a box I won in a sealed event]. If it means the new Marvel tcg, then I can only hope for the best.

Now, to end this entry on a good note. To make up for the lack of activity here this month, expect a video to be put up later this week.

OSM out!


Cliff said...

I still check out the blogs. Its always good to see an update.

Anonymous said...

Manitoba??? What, Ontario not good enough for you? Or are you just trying to stay away from Spud? :P

Cliff said...

Manitoba! How will this affect our precious battle of the border???

harada57 said...
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