Yo everybody, I hope you've been enjoying the MWZ previews sofar - I know I have. Many of you know I'm a major SF fan, and if you're like me, you've 'prolly had the same gripe with the team that I have ~ There's no 6-drop Spider-friends affiliated Spider-Man (...what? Not all of you have that gripe!? Ohwell). Today, that changes. The future is bright. The future is ... sticky?
You might be wondering what "Slinger" does - well, it's quite simple really - webbers web stuff up. They can do it to characters, places or they can use their webbing to do cool tricks. Now, this flavor can be achieved in Vs System by putting a "Web Counter" on a card in play (That's right, Web Counters are BACK!). The exact wording to Slinger is "When you recruit this character, put a web counter on target face-up card in play." Does this mean the MOR Spider-Man is finally good? I'd argue he was always good. Got better with Spider-Man, Ultimates and now is amazing with the Slinger abilities - just don't use this in a Spider-Friends mirror match! Why yes, I'll use the web counter you put on my Spider-Man while I have Spider-Man, Ultimates in play. Thanks!
Now, looking back at today's preview card. We've certainly had much easier ways to strip powers away. Mr. Sinister, Batman, MUN's Spider-Man, Secret Avenger etc. But this is different. Normally, one pathetic attempt and you can dodge a bullet. Spider-Man says "No, you need to beat my Spider-Sense AGAIN." - They can PA the trigger from when he comes in, but can they PA his activated ability? Do they have the Only Human to use their powers again? Maybe. Not likely though. Of course they could always use the power in response, but I guess you'll have to play around with this card a bit to get the timing down.
Let's talk about the other things we can do with him. Costume Change is now actually a viable search card for Spider-Clone decks! SF BYOT just got a ton better (like it needed any help)! No one wants a zombie to be their six drop anyways (Check out the Golden Age King thread on vssystem.org to see what I mean).
Yay, more legend support! This is awesome for the Legend format, which has been getting a decent discussion lately. You'd likely run Pathetic Attempt anyways, run this instead - not that you'd have any trouble getting 12 cards to reference Spidey. Notice also that the threshold is only 3 - This lets you hit a Reign of Terror when you're on odds, Mystical Paralysis, Have a Blast!, and any number of other things. Hey, maybe stopping that turn 3 boot to the head would've made all the difference. Not that SF should be losing to TNB ... ever. Maybe some decks will experiment with running this card and splashing in Spider-Man early on to trigger the alternate text - Bosom Buddies maybe? Deadpool on turn 2, a Spidey on turn 3 keeping your board around, turn 4 Cable go off? 'Prolly not a good idea, you guys can think of a better application - infact, I dare you. Come up with a good way to Integrate Spidey as a guest star to another deck, I'd enjoy that. And so would she:
Thursday, March 25, 2010
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